Just like In the Path of the Storm, this is playable fiction, a text-based game. This game, however, is fanfiction of games.
I created this story-game as a writing sample for submission to an open, entry-level writer position at Bioware Austin back in 2015 or 2014. I was amused enough by this storyline – which is set in the time period after the main game of Dragon Age: Inquisition, or slightly after the Tresspaser DLC – that I thought I would leave it open to anyone who wanted to play through it. Enjoy.
As a fairly dedicated writer of non-playable fanfiction, here’s my standard disclaimer for this one:
This story-game and is not intended to express the approval of Bioware, etc. All the concepts are owned by their respective owners, and I am making $-0 on this. If requested by the owners of the IP, this story will be removed immediately.