Which means I’m a little word-drunk, so pardon any typos. I’m taking a break from writing to do some updates and to eat lunch.
I’ve been working on a new project (I’d like to say book but right now it’s more of a story series, largely because of length) and I’m going to be chipping away at it during 2018’s NaNo. This is an ambitious NaNo for me in terms of short stories. I always manage to knock it out of the park in terms of word count (I can usually get about 75,000 words in 30 days), but this year I’m focusing on some smaller pieces to try and get things completed.
So here’s the list so far:
- #TerriblyEffective – Chapter 8, and maybe 9
- Women in Waistcoats – Her Heir’s Folly
- Secret Project – Short Story 0.5, Short Story 2.5
Today’s total word count (mid-day): 4,199
Folks on my website already have an inkling of what Women in Waistcoats is about, but as I won’t be releasing anything from that series beyond my mailing list until I have the first three short stories finished, I’ll just say that Her Heir’s Folly is the second of the three short stories.
I haven’t talked much about #TerriblyEffective, because it’s fairly new in the scheme of things. I’ve had the idea for it for a little while, but it takes me time to get something from “idea” to “shareable story”. At the end of NaNo I’ll be sending a sample chapter out in email to my mailing list, if you’re interested in finding out more.
In the meantime, here’s a pearl of wisdom from one of the characters: