Playable Fiction

Not everything I write is just to fulfill stories that I have inside of me. From time to time as I go along I make work for the purpose of submitting with an application somewhere. If it’s readable or playable, you’re welcome to download it free of charge. I would, however, appreciate if you could tell me if you find any bugs. (I’m still learning coding, and some of these formats are confusing enough that I tangle my $variables along the way.)

  • A Satinalia Invitation.
    Created as a writing sample for submission to an open, entry-level writer position at Bioware Austin, I was amused enough by this storyline – which is set in the time period after the main game of Dragon Age: Inquisition, or slightly after the Tresspaser DLC. Enjoy.This entire story is, essentially, a fanfiction. This story-game and is not intended to express the approval of Bioware, etc. All the concepts are owned by their respective owners, and I am making $-0 on this. If requested by the owners of the IP, this story will be removed immediately.
  • In the Path of the Storm.
    Created as a sample for consideration for a workshop offered by TellTale Games in 2017. The requirements were that you had to make 5 choices along the way, you had to visit a bank, and you had to be able to complete a single play-through in 7 minutes.I’ll be honest and say that Hurricane Matthew evacuation played a big part in the setting of this game. I was surprised that my beta-testers took very much to heart the game’s early instructions of: